

This module constains high-level functions for device discovery on a network using several protocols.

Passive discovery

When discovering devices on an industrial network, the less we interact directly with devices the better (otherwise we may break something). The passive_discovery() function sends identify requests to protocol-specific multicast addresses. Devices that subscribe to them are supposed to respond.

passive_discovery(iface="eth0", verbose=True)

So far, here is what the function does:

  • Listen to LLDP multicast address (switches and other network usually send LLDP packets with their description)
  • Send a Profinet DCP identify request
  • Send a KNXnet/IP search request

Other discovery functions

The following discovery functions are available independently:

 Listen on the network for LLDP packets sent on LLDP’s multicast MAC address. This function is synchronous. For the async version, call lldp.start_listening() and lldp.stop_listening().
 Send an identify request on Profinet DCP’s multicast MAC address.
 Send a search request on KNXnet/IP’s multicast IP address.